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Community membership in the Friendpreneur FAM allows entrepreneurs to enjoy building meaningful relationships with like-minded visionaries, conquering roadblocks in 1:1 small business working sessions, and promoting their visions through a brand awareness loyalty rewards program. 

Small business working sessions with help entrepreneurs show up well in the business world through through 1-hour mentorship, business etiquette coaching, system and tool optimization, process streamlining, and dependable resource connections.

Live sponsored promotional podcast interviews on the Friendpreneur Fiyah! Podcast Unbound platform provide unique and intimate storytelling opportunities for visionaries to express their why so people may buy.

Live online Q&A at bimonthly Ask a Friendpreneur Virtual SipnShare Meetups allows entrepreneurs to leverage business knowledge and build meaningful connections with subject-matter experts and other visionaries.

Services: Friendpreneurship Experiences 

Friendpreneurship offers community building among like-minded visionaries and accelerated access to essential business knowledge, tools, and resources through Friendpreneurship Experiences.

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